How to Make Lines and Planes in GeoGebra

You can use 3D Graphics in GeoGebra to visualize lines and planes in space.

If you want to draw lines in space, follow GeoGebra Instruction 1 from this entry.

GeoGebra Instruction 1

Finding the Equation of a Plane Using Three Points

Open 3D Graphics and Algebra View in GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.

Plane(<Point>, <Point>, <Point>)

in Algebra View, and fill the <Point> fields.

The plane will be drawn in 3D Graphics. Its equation is given in Algebra View.

To change the perspective in 3D Graphics, select the Rotate 3D Graphics view GeoGebra icon tool and use the cursor to change the point of view to your liking.

In order to find the equation of a plane in GeoGebra, you must have three known points. If these are stated in the exercise, insert them directly as per the instructions above. If you have been given one point and two vectors in the plane, or one point and the normal vector, it’s easier to do this by hand, rather than use GeoGebra to help with the calculation.

GeoGebra Instruction 2

Draw a Plane Given by an Equation

Open 3D Graphics and Algebra View under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter the equation for the plane in Algebra View as given in the exercise. Press Enter.

The plane is now shown in 3D Graphics.

To change the perspective in 3D Graphics, select the Rotate 3D Graphics view GeoGebra icon tool and use the cursor to change the point of view to your liking.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing a plane

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