What Are the Roots of a Complex Number?

The number 1 has no real square roots because there are no real numbers that when multiplied by themselves give a negative product. The solution to this barrier is to define the imaginary number i as the square root of 1. By using i, it can be shown that you can find general nth roots of all numbers, including the complex numbers:


Definition of nth Root

The complex number w is an nth root of z if w satisfies

wn = z.

An nth root of the number z is a number that when multiplied by itself n times yields z.

To find the nth roots of a complex number z, it is smart to write z in polar form. If you write z = rei𝜃, you can easily find a number w0 which fulfills the definition of nth root by using normal power rules:

w0 = (rei𝜃) 1n = r1nei𝜃n.

To find an nth root of z, you take the nth root of the norm of z and divide the argument of z by n. It is also possible to find other nth roots of z, because the polar form of z is not unique.

A rotation of 2π radians does not change the value of z, so you can write

z = rei(𝜃+2πk)

for an arbitrary integer k . By using the power rules, you can get a general expression for the nth roots of z:

wk = r1 nei(𝜃 n+2π n k).

Every integer k gives you a new nth root wk, as long as k = 0, 1, 2,,n 1. When k is n or greater, you will no longer get new nth roots. This is because you now have rotated 2π radians and are back at the starting point w0.


nth Roots

For every complex number z = rei𝜃0, there exist n different nth roots w0,w1,w2,,wn1 given by

wk = r1 nei(𝜃 n+2π n k),

for integer k = 0, 1, 2,,n 1.

Every nth root of z has the same norm, and the difference in argument between wk and wk1 is 2π n . If you know wk, you can find wk+1 by

wk+1 = w+ wk,

where w+ = ei2π n . This is because a multiplication with w+ can be thought of as a rotation of 2π n radians in the complex plane.

The strategy to find the nth roots of z is to first find w0 = z1 n and then the other n 1 roots by multiplying by w+.

Example 1

Find the fourth roots of z = 81

To find the fourth roots it is smart to write z in polar form. Here is the norm r = 81, and the argument 𝜃 = π. In polar form z is therefore

z = 81eiπ.

Next, you can find w0:

w0 = z1 4 = 3eiπ 4 ,

and w+:

w+ = ei2π 4 = eiπ2 .

Now you can find the other roots by using the connection wk+1 = w+ wk:

w1 = w+ w0 = eiπ2 3eiπ4 = 3ei3π 4 w2 = w+ w1 = eiπ2 3ei3π 4 = 3ei5π 4 w3 = w+ w2 = eiπ2 3ei5π 4 = 3ei7π 4 .

w1 = w+ w0 = eiπ2 3eiπ4 = 3ei3π 4 w2 = w+ w1 = eiπ2 3ei3π 4 = 3ei5π 4 w3 = w+ w2 = eiπ2 3ei5π 4 = 3ei7π 4 .

Since the exercise gave you the number z in Cartesian form, you should also give the answer in Cartesian form. In Cartesian form the fourth roots of z are:

w0 = 32 2 + 32 2 i, w1 = 32 2 + 32 2 i, w2 = 32 2 32 2 i, w3 = 32 2 32 2 i.

Since all nth roots of a number have the same norm, the nth roots w0,w1,w2,,wn1 are uniformly distributed around a circle in the complex plane. The fourth roots of 81 from Example 1 lie on a circle in the complex plane with radius 3, and the angle between the roots is π 2 radians:

The fourth roots of 81 visualized in the complex plane.

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